Tuesday, May 2, 2017

It's What Time?


Perhaps it’s my age, I’m not sure. But, with my sixtieth birthday came an awareness of the ticking clock. It was the diminishing moments of life that got my attention in a different way. Though most of us have no idea how long we may live, there are certain markers in life that are reminders of time passing. My sixtieth birthday was one of those.

Someone said, “To know the value of a minute, ask the person who just missed his train.” I began to wonder how many minutes, life-giving precious moments, I had wasted in totally useless inane activities. Many worry about wasted money, but which is more important? In my mind, there’s no question. Time has much greater value. If money is wasted or even lost, there is always a chance to recoup it at some point. But, time is a measure of life in seconds, minutes, hours. Once it is lost, it is gone forever. We cannot get it back. The clock ticks a reminder of each moment passing.

So, the immediate question is, what will I do with today? How can I make the next twenty-four hours count in a significant way? How can I bring value to others? How do I bring honor to a praise-worthy God?

What about you? Can you hear the clock ticking?

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