Tuesday, November 22, 2016

It's All about Power!

Faith is a funny thing when you think about it. We ask God for it, but we often ask, at the same time, to SEE what’s ahead for us. Heb. 1 says that “Faith is the substance of things NOT SEEN”, yet we want “faith” while seeing. Perhaps we misunderstand the power behind the NOT SEEING. When I can see what’s ahead I have a certain amount of power to deal with it on my own. That leaves God out of the picture. If I can control the situation, faith is not required, and God is unlikely to get the Glory. If I do not have to sometimes grapple in the dark and depend on God for my next step, why even talk about faith? It is apparently not a part of my experience. Just saying the word is meaningless unless I take the step in the dark.

When my son was small, we lost electrical power one night. My preschooler was afraid, so I picked him up and carried him. I could maneuver through our home without the benefit of electricity. When I held him, all fear was gone. He still couldn’t see, but he trusted me to take care of him. As he grew in his trust, he lost his fear of the literal and figurative dark. I think this is the picture that God wants us to grasp. God created the world in which we live. He is perfectly able to find his way through it no matter what obstacles deter us. When everything seems out of control and I don’t know where to turn and I cannot see my way through, God is ready to pick me up and carry me safely to the other side of my problem. Because I have seen him do this for me in the past, I have learned to trust him to bring me into the light. You see, I don’t need to “see”. God sees far more than I ever could. I just have to trust. Faith is believing God to carry us out of the darkness and into His glorious light.

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