Tuesday, November 8, 2016

What Do You Look Like?

How are you identified?

My sister's family was in town. We went to an arts and crafts fair in a trendy section of downtown  Nashville, The Gulch. While there, we met a caricaturist in the Google Fiber booth. He drew our picture. We were amazed at his talent and quickness.

Aside from the artist's giftedness, I was interested in each family member's response. We shared our opinions as to whom the artist captured best. I thought he discovered the essence of my brother-in-law, Jim. My sister, Lori, said, "Oh no, Wanda, his picture of you was the most true-to-life." As we compared our thoughts, I noticed that none of us saw ourselves the way the artist or our family did.

Then the question struck me, do I see myself as my Creator does? I concluded the answer is a resounding, No! I doubt that I see anyone else as the Father does. It's probably not reasonable to think that I can ever truly see through the eyes of Jesus. But, perhaps that needs to be my prayer. Scripture says that God wants to perfect me...and you. Maybe that process begins by seeing the world more clearly through the eyes of a loving forgiving Savior.

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