Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Seeking God

Seeking You

It’s Sunday. After writing this, I will prepare to go to church. We have a fellowship of believers that I love. We have music to lift the spirit and preaching that is solidly consistent with the Word. I have no complaints. However, God, you call me to serve outside those walls.

In the past, I thought I knew what you expected of me based on the gifts that you endowed me with. But, now I question things looking through older, more experienced lens. I am now a senior adult. I am in a new season of life. I have less energy, and I feel somewhat lost in this constantly changing culture. I don’t know if I have a viable role. Have I any relevancy? My son says that I am naïve, and I don’t deny that. The harshness, often cruelty, which is now reported on the daily news, is more than my mind, my heart, can comprehend. How can I make a difference in a society that no longer resonates with me?

But, I have You. You see; You comprehend; You created me for relationship and service. Therefore, I am relevant. You continue to keep me here. You continue to give me opportunities. You have purpose for me; I must find it. I cannot find it alone. You show me, and I will try to follow. You will not call me to anything that You have not equipped me, resourced me, to do.

So, it’s time to go to church. Help me to worship You in truth. Help me see a little more, to understand a bit more clearly. Give me inspiration, give me hope, give me direction, give me passion, give me impetus. Give me direction and opportunity to do Your perfect will right where You want me to serve. Help me to paint a clear picture of You for others to see and worship.

It all goes back to You. It all goes toward You. This is why I will now get ready for church, to join with other believers, seeking You.

1 comment:

  1. You and your words are inspiring. Yes, you have purpose. Others can see Jesus in your SMILE and eyes and kindness. Love you my friend.
