Wednesday, August 3, 2016

The Groom...Down for the Count

I suppose that whenever we try to bring great dignity to an occasion, we unintentionally invite a certain amount of turmoil into the scenario. Our lives are normally rather relaxed, so a particularly formal situation brings a certain amount of stress and unease. We begin to consider all of the possible things that we might do to ruin the event, and set our minds up to do that which we least desire.

Perhaps that is what happened at this wedding. The groom was particularly nervous. He was not accustomed to formal settings, and the whole event had unnerved him. He had accepted all of the plans in an effort to please his bride, but he was uneasy as he stepped into the church.

The wedding was carefully planned, and everything was beautiful. There were two elaborate candelabras set on either side of the bride and groom as they stood before the pastor to take their vows. As the minister asked the groom if he would take this woman as his wife, the groom, instead of answering, fainted. As he went down, he hit one of the candelabras and it was going down, too. The pastor had to make a quick decision, catch the groom or the candles? The groom hit the floor with a thud, but the church was saved from fire.
1940's wedding photo

After a few minutes of recovery, the groom returned to his spot by his bride. They made their vows, and they were married.

The moral to this story? When taking a step outside your comfort zone, just realize that it’s just a moment before you’ll once again be at ease OR maybe, just make sure there are no potential fire hazards around you when you go down for the count.

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