Monday, February 6, 2017

Spiritual DNA

I was in a room full of creative women. I was part of an event focused on media. The ladies were authors, speakers, visual artists, singers, song writers, television hosts, and more. I was in awe at the talent present in the room. But, as we sat around the dinner table and talked, some began to open up. Maybe they were freed by the fact that they were surrounded by professional peers. I was struck by the insecurities that were shared. These beautiful women, that generally appeared so confident, took off their masks for a moment, revealing their self-doubt.

Most of us, mere mortals, tend to believe the illusion. We see the outer picture and envy that person who commands attention just by walking into a room. As I listened at the table, though, I realized that some were confused by the attention. They didn’t understand their affect on others. They didn’t fully see the value of their gift. These gifted women didn’t know why others were awed by them, and they wondered how long it would be before the accolades would disappear. 

Perhaps we need to understand that whether there is recognition for what we do, or not, is unimportant. Any talent that we have is a gift from God. When praise comes our way, we need to use it as a way to share the generosity of our creative Father who created us in His image. Our talents are a result of our God-likeness. It’s our spiritual DNA. When this sinks in, there will be no confusion; we will appreciate our value as a child of God. And we won’t worry about accolades, because we don’t deserve them. We are just the vessel.  And, it’s a privilege!

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