Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Your Creative Spirit...In His Likeness


As I was taking a prayer walk today, it struck me that all of our “creativity” is merely tapping into the Creator himself. We are emulating Him.

He is the God of color. We see it in the ever changing sky, the red and gold leaves that were once a soft green. We see it in the myriad of bird, insect, and snake species. We are even encouraged to daily eat food of every color. We have different hair and skin tones.

God is the creator of sounds. We hear his handy-work in the melody of a brook flowing over the rocks or the powerful sound of crashing ocean waves. It’s evident in the sounds of animals…the roar of a lion or the mew of a house cat, a gentle tapping of rain or a great clap of thunder. And, if you listen closely, you can almost hear the soft fall of snow on a winter’s morning.

God knew that His children would want to experience the world through touch. So, He created textures to enrich the beauty around us. The rough feel of bark is in great contrast to the velvet texture of an iris in spring. A newborn baby’s skin is different than Grandpa’s. The grittiness of sand leaves one with a totally different sensation than the soft luxury found in forest moss.

He is the God of structure. Look at the rolling hills of the Smoky Mountains as opposed to the crags of the Rockies. The majesty of the Grand Canyon is an amazing piece of sculpture, and you can’t ignore the shape and design of a volcano.

We spend our lives trying to mimic the creative stroke of God. The visual artist tries to mix oils or pastels in an attempt to copy the beauty of a sunset. The musician takes the sounds that have touched his life and works to create similar beauty through instrumentation. The sculptor or architect looks at the shapes and textures of nature and hopes to find satisfaction in his own aped formation.

But, we are God’s supreme creation. Loving us as only He can, He created us in His own image. As such, He gifted us with the ability to both appreciate and emulate His works. He planted within each of us a joy and responsiveness to beauty. We find ourselves one with Him as we exercise these gifts. It is beauty that could come from no other source.  

You are a created and creative being. As you consider your own creative bent, thank God for this gift. This is your spiritual genetic inheritance. This is a touch of the Father in you. Create and Celebrate!

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