Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Why Did I Think I Could Do This?


The baby’s birth is first announced by your slightly green complexion as you throw up your breakfast. With the nausea comes irritation with “the man”. Your face is in the toilet, and “the man” is grinning from ear to ear and strutting across the room as if he has done something remarkable. Not only that, he offers to help, so he makes the coffee. The very aroma turns your stomach, and the retching continues.

By the fourth or fifth month, the morning sickness has finally passed, but your waist has expanded. Nothing fits, and it’s time to go to the maternity department. You are now relegated to elastic pants. You thought those belonged to the geriatric set, didn’t you? Ha! The jokes on you. Nature seems to have turned on you.

By the seventh month, you are awkward from the displaced weight. Your back hurts, your feet are swollen, and the baby is using your bladder as a trampoline. You must remain close to a bathroom. Sleep has become impossible.

The blessed day finally comes for your baby to enter the world. You try to be excited, but it’s hard when you are writhing in pain. Words escape your mouth that are new to your vocabulary. Your husband has the nerve to look shocked.

Then the baby arrives. You’re in love. The nausea and pain are all forgotten. Your husband is once again your prince. When you see the father’s love flowing from his eyes, you love him even more.

Though the nine months are filled with nausea, exhaustion, mood swings, and pain, they are all quickly forgotten in light of God’s miracle of birth. You are awe-struck by the beauty of this child and the love that is beyond anything you have previously experienced. Already, you know that you would give your life for this precious baby. But, then the “What ifs” invade your thinking.

Fear strikes! What if I sleep through my baby's cries at night? What if I drop her? What if she hates me? What do I know about parenting? They’re going to send me home, with this baby, in a few days. I’m a neophyte. I know nothing. A child’s life is going to be placed in my hands. Help!

Help is available. Just as you are ready to do anything for your child, you should now have a better understanding of God’s sacrifice for you, His child. It is love beyond measure, undeserved but freely given. In that moment, you realize that God is the parent-model that you need to emulate.  He is going to walk with you through this whole parenting-thing. You are not alone. God is faithful. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. Acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Leave the hospital with confidence. You’re a parent; praise God!

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