Tuesday, December 13, 2016

It's Christmas...So?

It’s a cold December morning. I awakened early. The house is quiet and beautiful, with the tree lit, before dawn’s light. No need for breakfast this morn. We enjoyed a festive holiday meal with a group of friends last night, and I am still feeling the results of indulgence.

The evening was a sensory explosion. It wasn’t just the tastes of Christmas. When walking into the home, we enjoyed the sight, sound, and warmth of a crackling fire after coming in from the cold. We were welcomed by hugs, from old friends and new. The aroma of hazelnut coffee was enticing. We ate at beautifully arrayed tables; the conversation ebbed and flowed. Memories and laughter were shared.

Before we gathered for that late dinner, we all attended Brentwood Baptist to enjoy their choir’s annual program. The stage was set beautifully for the holiday magic to come. A magnificent orchestra introduced the singers, accompanied them, and followed them out at the end. Varying genres of music were included but all with the same message. They converged to draw the listener in. Dancers added to the visual aesthetic, and combined, it honored the King.

Though we did not sit down and read the Bible, or talk about the birth of Jesus, we still celebrated it. A group of loving friends worshiped together. We shared fond remembrances across the table. Every physical sense was alert to this special time of year. It was a glorious evening!

Now I sit, in the pre-dawn hush. It, too, is a celebration of Christmas. It’s quiet, but I’m not alone. I’m not praising the King with others. I’m sharing memories with Him.

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